Let us organize that closet !!

If I ask you where is that white top in your closet which your Mom gifted last month, how many of you would say ‘ Oh , it is lying on the right corner of the second shelf of the first closet in my dresser’ and how many would say’ Must be somewhere in my closet’ or ‘ Oh yes! I forgot I had that. Wonder where it is lying now’.

If you connect with the latter one, please read on and if you agree with the first one, please drop your organisation tips in the comments section.

Well you look at all the super organised, well stacked clothes lying in labelled baskets on pinterest and make a mental note of doing that at the next convenience and when that comes, you already have a  mess to take care of.

Here are some handy tips that work for me to design a typical Indian closet:

  1. Space for hangings at the bottom of the closet rather than the top, saves you the effort of bending and saves you from gathering clutter in the last shelves of the closets.
  2. Designing multiple shelves at heights above 2’-6” allows space for formal, daily shirts in separate shelves.
  3. Giving at least four drawers of 6 inches depth only to allow space for socks, hankies, watches etc.
  4. Giving a minimum of a foot-high shelf on the top to stack all the off-season clothes. Another benefit, you are ready for a Himalaya trip in a minute because you just need to dig into your top shelf for your jumpers.
  5. Using the closet shutters to hang your belts, scarves etc.

And if you are already living with an ill designed closet with no/ less shelves, use the cartons that you get for packing, cut them from the front and stack them one on the other.

Happy Organizing Folks!! If you have a pro tip  which works for you, please share it in the comments below. Would love to hear from you !!!


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3 years ago

test from sandeep.. Let us see where this message ends up